neste link: Ouvimos um canto belissimo de um canário
History of Russian canary is numbering more than 3 centuries. Unfortunately, Russian canary with its unique song, with the best set of modulations, advanced and taken from the most outstanding singing birds of Russia is almost unknown in the world. In Moscow and other cities in Russia canaries were first brought in the 18th century from Tyrol, Germany. Canary lovers in Russia liked their voice and songs. Before that they caged wild birds - goldfinches, siskins, woodlarks, tits, buntings, linnets, warblers, etc. in a while they started to keep wild birds and Tyrol canaries together. With pleasure, canary fans noticed that young male canaries are good reproducers of gentle wild birds' melodies. Russians loved Tyrol canaries because they mocked good-voiced birds easily. As a result of their ability to mock, easy to care for and breed, they became very popular. At that time Tyrol canaries had a loud voice. Russian breeders started to select new kinds of singing canaries with a gentle, melodic voice. They selected male birds, which sung with gentle, soft voices using different methods to teach them. As a result of observation, breeders made a conclusion that canaries reproduced bunting's trills the best. It was a big surprise that canaries showed the ability to improvise trills. Little by little breeders began to enjoy not only buntings', but also tits', woodlarks', and sandpipers' songs. Often that kind of canaries was called 'forest tuners". Later on because of great skills of imitation bunting's songs and singing with open beak, Russian canaries were called "bunting tuners". The bunting's tune was developed at the end of XIX century. Russian selectors taught Tyrol canaries to sing mocking native Russian wild birds songs. They taught canaries using also special flutes, organs, and other devices. At the beginning of XX century in Moscow singing canaries contests were established. That time the most popular were canaries from Pavlovo - on - Oka, Nizhniy Novgorod, Petersburg.
The following article was written by Efim Umansky and assisted by Malcolm McCambridge. Montreal,Cage bird Society.
Recently, the Russian canary gained widespread popularity due to the efforts of some Russian immigrants, who succeeded in bringing to North America the “bunting”-song canary. This type of canary was created by Russian breeders and result of about three hundred years of careful selection.Why does the Russian singing canary attract American fanciers?
1-th-its amazing abilityto memorize song.
2-th-the exellent capacity of its trained larynx passed from generation to generation.This special equipment in its throat gives a great ability to imitate long and diverse song
3-th-The musical composition as a mean for young canary teaching was well composed and based on the most melodious and beautiful sound,performed by different wild birds of forest,field,on river.That’s why this song sounds very natural unlike of German “rollers” or “waterslagers”,who was trained by artificial means like bubbling water e.t.s. The recorded canary song consists of up to 12 possible tours.If the canary performs it’s song in exact sequence during competition,judges give up to 10 points extra.That’s why it is very important to judge each singer individually,but not in a team of 4 or 5,because they interrupt each other,take up the song and continue the song started by another bird.Besides,each canary has it’s own timbre! Now,let’s analyse the standard song dividing it into several elements.
1. The beginning or the solo tune is triple portamento conditionally called “a tee”.It sounds like a marlet’s piping when it flies.Each of the three lines of this “tee”changes it’s pitch undulating.
2. ”The tee” is followed by the sound combination”coo-lee”.
3. ”Depsit”is a dense even pulsation similar to chirring of grasshoppers or crickets.The pitch of the “deposit”doesn’t change.It sounds like a combination of the sounds”r”and “i”,and depending on the pitch can be conditionally considered as low,high and very high-“silvery deposit”,which is hardly perceptible to our ear.
4. ”Yellow bunting”-the base of the song,is a sound combination associated with the wild bunting’s piping.It is a high-pitch pulsating warble.This part conditionally called “an ordinary bunting”.Then rhythm and pitch start growing,accent in sound pulsation shift,shake movement of the two notes,accelerates and decelerates.It seems as if a canary does a bunting improvisation.It resembles a gust,a joyful,laughing sound-noisy movement.
5. ”Small titmouse” is a sound combination”tee-fee”or “tsy-fee”.This is a warble consisting of two notes quite distinguishable for our ear because of relatively moderate frequency.It sounds like monotonous even pulsation accents,pleasant and calming.
6. ”Large titmouse” is performed with a wider amplitude and less frequency comparatively with a “small titmouse”. Warbles consisting of two notes are accented on a higher sound. Bird’s breathing can be heard{inhalation-exhalation}.
7. ”Tripple{spring}titmouse”performed by a large titmouse during the mating period.It consists of three warbles as the sound combination “tee-tee-tah”with an strong accent on the higher note.
8. The sound combination “tsohn-tsohn”is a percussive part of the song and the entrance into the finale.It hampers successive development of the song.It containes slow accented beating and resembles a crystal clink of glasses.
9. Finale is the most complicated percussive sound combination “dee-een-do-ohn”,resembles linnet’s spring pipe.The combination consists of four quite distinguishable pitch sounds,performed in one breath.Then the last two or three parts of the composition can be repeated by a canary many times{po nastroeniyu},so a listener can enjoy the perfomance.