23 de janeiro de 2007

First European about behavior seminar france -Voo livre em França seminários sobre comportamento e voo livre

First European seminar of behavior and free flight training will take place at 11-13 May 2007 at Valbertier farm near Dijon, France.

Dr.Susan Friedman (USA) Day 2
Marcus von Kreft FdSc Bird Biologist (UK)

parrotadvice4u Day 3
Roelant Jonker MSc (Netherlands) Araproject Day 3
Dr. Sue Tygielski (USA) youtube Day 1
Igor Maskin (Israel) foto.radikal Day 1

You can learn about
Methods that allow free flight of parrots in captivity

Conditions that will facilitate your training with pet birds and breeders alike
How to choose the right bird for the free flight

Trainings and exercises that will help you to build trustful relations with your bird
You can participate at a day long course of Dr. Susan Friedman from Utah University. This course is designed to teach participants how the parrots learn. By understanding the fundamental principles of learning and behavior, the caregivers can facilitate successful parrot’s behavior for lasting companionship .

Roelant Jonker will show us a colorful presentation on Free-range/ feral parrots around the world and the opportunities of these birds for conservation
You can try to train birds at the facility
All 3 days you will enjoy, seeing the flighted birds of experienced trainers and owners.
The prices of participation

1 day 80 Euros
2 days 130 Euros
3 days 170 Euros

discount for those who pay before 1 April 2007:
1 day 70 Euros
2 days 115 Euros
3 days 140 Euros

(These prices include participation at all courses and training exercise during the days of your choice).



Jan Kubelik plays "Zephyr" by Hubay