25 de junho de 2007

The Miner’s Canary

Lani Guinier and Gerald Torres consider how blacks’ own perceptions of their plight might lead to a new political movement. In The Miner’s Canary, Guinier and Torres argue that rather than internalize their social dysfunction as being their ‘own fault,’ many blacks have developed a critical perspective on ‘the system.’ Refusing to accept the mythology of the American Dream–‘that those who succeed or fail invariably do so according to their individual merit’–blacks ‘appreciate the necessity and efficacy of collective political struggle’...Guinier and Torres announce a bold agenda: ‘to use the experiences of people of color as the basis for fundamental social change that will benefit not only blacks and Hispanics but other disadvantaged social groups.”– James Forman, Jr., Washington Post

Jan Kubelik plays "Zephyr" by Hubay