25 de junho de 2007

Ponto Cruz -Bird Bonanza

American Singer CanaryThe many colors and songs of the American Singer Canary makes it a beloved pet in many homes throughout the world. Bred in the 1930s from Great Britain's Border Canary and the German Roller, this happy little bird is pleasing to both the eye and the ear.
....Birds represent nature at its best. Discovering a nest just outside a window can be a delight that will have us riveted for hours, watching the pair as they prepare a nest, guard their eggs, and raise their young.
Admiration for birds gives way to a flight of fancy with this week's new designs. See how the fantastic plumage of colorful tropical birds is represented in the texture of thread. You'll find designs that are perfect for bird lovers of all ages, for dressing up totes, garments, and even kitchen and dining room decor for a tropical-themed party....

Jan Kubelik plays "Zephyr" by Hubay