28 de fevereiro de 2007



Modified hens lay eggs to help beat cancer By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
Last Updated: 12:37am GMT 15/01/2007

A flock of designer hens, genetically modified with human genes to lay eggs capable of producing drugs that fight cancer and other life-threatening diseases, has been created by British scientists.
Researchers at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh, which created pioneering GM animal "drug factories" such as Tracy the sheep as well as Dolly the clone, have bred a 500-strong flock of ISA Browns. These are a prolific egg laying French cross between Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island White chickens.

A ‘transgenic’ hen delivers an egg containing drug therapies at a fraction of normal cost
Because they make proteins used as drugs in the whites of their eggs, they offer the prospect of mass-producing at a fraction of the price drugs that cost thousands of pounds a year per patient. This marks an important advance in the use of farm animals for the production of pharmaceuticals. Existing methods for producing protein drugs, such as monoclonal antibodies used to treat cancer and arthritis, are expensive and time-consuming. Using GM — "transgenic" — farm animals for the mass production of such drugs is potentially cheaper, faster, and more efficient than standard methods, but researchers so far have been unable to make "pharming" workable.

The GM chickens are reported today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Dr Helen Sang and colleagues in the Roslin Institute and the companies Oxford Biomedica, which specialises in gene therapy, and Viragen, which is commercialising the technology.
They describe how they have produced transgenic hens by using a particular virus — an equine infectious anemia lentivirus — to insert the genes for desired pharmaceutical proteins into the hen's gene for ovalbumin. This is a protein that makes up 54 per cent of egg whites, around 2.2 grams for each egg — a massive amount by the standards of biotechnology.
They inserted the human genes into chicken embryonic stem cells, then blended those cells with those of a normal chicken embryo to create a chimera, a blend of GM and normal cells.

Crucially, the cells in the oviduct (which lays eggs) consisted of GM cells and so passed on the implanted gene so the egg could make the drug protein.
The working proteins in these hens included miR24, a monoclonal antibody with potential for treating malignant melanoma, and human interferon b-1a, an antiviral drug.
Just as important, the genes were passed on to the next generation.
Although there have been attempts to make protein drugs in the milk of sheep, goats, cattle and rabbits, the team believes that the conversion of chickens into "bioreactors" offers many advantages. They produce more quickly and are much cheaper to look after.
"This is potentially a very powerful new way to produce specialised drugs," said Dr Karen Jervis of Viragen Scotland, which worked with the Roslin team.
"We have bred five generations of chickens so far and they all keep producing high concentrations of pharmaceuticals."
Andrew Wood, of Oxford BioMedica, whose researchers collaborated on the project, said: "This could lead to treatments for Parkinson's disease, diabetes and a range of cancers."

From: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/01/15/nhealth15.xml

huevos- articulo tele5

DESCUBRIENDO A LOS DINOSAURIOS. En Mandav, un pequeño pueblo del estado de Madhya Pradesh en India, se han encontrado más de 100 fósiles de huevos de dinosaurios. En la foto, el Director del Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas de India, Arun Sonakia, muestras los fósiles pertenecientes al Cretácico. Este periodo, crucial en la historia geológica de nuestro planeta, comenzó hace 145 millones de años con el fin del Jurásico y finalizó hace 65 millones de años.

27 de fevereiro de 2007

Birdwatching from turkey sites-links-enlaces

Birdwatching in PERU- sites-links-enlaces

A MANHÃ E OS LUGARES obra literária que menciona canários e outros animais

"... com sinceros agradecimentos, à cliente, acrescentam uma nota de familiar carinho e calor solidário, oferecendo o cartão, para a inscrição dos pêsames,além de um ramalhete de duas rosas brancas, «para o defuntozinho, minha linda, Deus o acolha em sua glória, levar entre as mãos». Sobre tudo isto, palram dois papagaios, cantam dezenas de canários, arrulham quatro rolas, ladra fininho um cachorrito, naquela barraca recuada, que rescende a alpista aérea e a crosta excrementícia, onde se comercializa a magnífica bicharada. ..."

Mário Cláudio, Uma Coroa de Navios

1.ª edição, Lisboa: D. Quixote, 1992

pp. 14-18

Turkey (bird)

When Europeans first encountered these species in the Americas, they incorrectly identified them with the African Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris), also known as the turkey-cock from its importation to Central Europe through Turkey, and the name of that country stuck as also the name of the American bird. The confusion is also reflected in the scientific name: meleagris is Greek for guinea-fowl.

of a male north american turkey (M. gallopavo), such image has been often associated with Thanksgiving day in the US, and Christmas dinner in many cultures.
The names for the domesticated Turkey in other languages also frequently reflect its exotic origins, seen from an Old World viewpoint, and confusion about where it actually comes from. The many references to India seen in common names go back to a combination of two factors: first, the genuine belief that the newly-discovered Americas were in fact a part of East Asia, and second, the tendency to attribute exotic produce to some particular place that at that time symbolized far-off, exotic lands. The latter is reflected in terms like "Muscovy Duck" (which is from South America, not Muscovy) and indeed was a major reason why the name "turkey-cock" was transferred to Meleagris species.
For names in other languages for the Wild Turkey, see list of names for the Wild Turkey.
Several other birds which are sometimes called "turkeys" are not particularly closely related: the Australian brush-turkey is a megapode, and the bird sometimes known as the "Australian turkey" is in fact the Australian Bustard, a gruiform. The bird sometimes called a Water Turkey is actually an Anhinga (Anhinga rufa)


Oriundo do México, o peru terá chegado à Europa no primeiro terço do século XVI, através dos Jesuítas. Naquela época era um alimento raríssimo, reservado apenas à monarquia e às altas sociedades. Os Ingleses chamaram-lhe “turkey”, porque o descobriram na Turquia e converteram-no num prato clássico de Natal.

Produção mundial
É uma carne de alto rendimento, quer para produtores, quer para consumidores. Por cada kilograma de carne, é possível obterem-se cerca de 600 gramas comestíveis. A sua produção representa cerca de 9 % da produção mundial de aves.
Informação nutricional
O peru trata-se de um alimento magro, de fácil digestão e com baixo teor em colesterol. Possui menos de 130 kcal/100 g. A carne tem um baixo teor em gordura com a vantagem adicional desta gordura não ser marmoreada e portanto, ser muito fácil de eliminar após a confecção.
É uma carne muito proteica, com cerca de 20 a 25% de proteínas de grande qualidade e alto valor biológico. Contém ferro facilmente absorvível e é também abundante em potássio e magnésio. Em relação às vitaminas, destacam-se a vitamina B3 ou niacina.
Tabela de composição nutricional

Energia (kcal) 137 105 209
Água (g) 72 74,2 61,3
Proteína (g) 20,5 23,4 23,9
Lípidos (g) 6,1 1,3 12,6
Hidratos de carbono (g) 0 0 0
Vitamina B3 (mg) 8 7,9 5,9
Ferro (mg) 2 0,7 2,1
Fósforo (mg) 210 210 221
Potássio (mg) 270 353 366
mg = miligramas; μg = microgramas. Porção Edível = diz respeito ao peso do alimento que é consumido depois de rejeitados todos os desperdícios. Vitamina A = como equivalentes de retinol.

Fonte: Porto A, Oliveira L. Tabela da Composição de Alimentos. Lisboa: Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge. 2006,pág. 22-23

26 de fevereiro de 2007

Musica Portuguesa com o tema aves

Era um passarinho

Queria voar

E lá no seu ninho

Estava a pensar

Tinha tanto medo

Que olhando pro chão

Batia ligeiro

O seu coração

E sol gritou tens de voar

É o teu destino Toca a saltar

E o passarinho esvoaçou

Caiu no chão e não chorou

Mas de repente,

sem hesitar

Olhou o sol pos-se a voar.

Estava no mundo,

tinha de ser,

Perdeu o medo e foi viver.

Carlos Paião Musica de Tó Maria Vinhas

25 de fevereiro de 2007

Musica Portuguesa com o tema aves


Na torre batem as horas.

Nem viv'alma pelas ruas.

Amor, por que te demorase esta saudade acentuas?

No meu peito, dói a espera.

Um nó me aperta a garganta.

Não pode haver primavera

se o passarinho não canta.

Se o passarinho não canta,

não pode haver primavera,

Um nó me aperta a garganta.

No meu peito, dói a espera.

Nos campos não há trigais...

E sem trigo não há pão!

Meu amor, não tardes mais,

que morro de solidão!

José-Augusto de Carvalho
10 de Março de 2006. Viana do Alentejo * Évora * Portugal
Música de Maria Luísa Serpa

Canções com aves e outros animais


Eu ouvi um passarinho
às quatro da madrugada,
Cantando lindas cantigas
à porta da sua amada.

Ao ouvir cantar tão bem a sua amada chorou.
Às quatro da madrugada o passarinho cantou.
Alentejo quando canta,
vê quebrada a solidão;

traz a alma na garganta
e o sonho no coração.
Alentejo, terra rasa,toda coberta de pão;
a sua espiga doirada lembra mãos em oração.

Portuguese Music about Birds/ Musica Portuguesa do Raminho, Açores

O Raminho quando canta
Recordando a tradição
Traz a alma na garganta
E o sonho no coração

Eu ouvi um passarinho
Às quatro da madrugada
Numa casa do Raminho
Onde vive a sua amada

Por ouvir cantar tão bem
A sua amada chegou
Por isso pra mais ninguém
O passarinho cantou

Raminho nunca mais finda
O amor que tenho por ti
Tu és a coisa mais linda
Como ainda nunca vi

Tens muitos filhos ausentes
Por esse mundo além
Mas estão sempre presentes
Porque lhes queres muito bem

Lembram o teu Império
E os teus antepassados
E a Pia do Baptistério
Onde foram baptizados

Não esquece a tourada
Nem o cortejo de oferendas
E uma boa sardinhada
No teu Parque de Merendas

Do Miradouro ninguém esquece
Nem da Vigia da Baleia
Raminho até parece
Que não nos sais da ideia

Para ti quero voltar
Se nada me acontecer
Raminho quero acabar
Na terra que me viu nascer

Eu ouvi um passarinho

Às quatro da madrugada

Numa casa do Raminho

Onde vive a sua amada

Por ouvir cantar tão bem

A sua amada chegou

Por isso pra mais ninguém

O passarinho cantou

Manuel Ourique - Açores, Angra do Heroismo

history of the canary bird

(Serinus canarius.)

THIS favorite singer and cage bird is a native of the Canary Islands, Madeiras, Azores and other small islands near the western coast of Africa. The islands are in the latitude of Florida and the climate may be said to be of a tropical character, though varied by lofty mountains. The canary in its native habitat is chiefly found in the mountainous districts, often several thousand feet above the level of the sea. The wild birds mate about the latter part of March. The nest is built in the tall trees of the evergreen species, frequently in the tops of these trees, and never less than eight or ten feet from the ground. We have seen it stated that they build on the ground, but this has been found to be an error.

The first canaries known to Europeans were brought from there by a merchant ship trading with the Canary Islands as a part of her cargo, several thousand of these birds having been trapped in the hope that they could be sold for a good price as song-birds. The ship was wrecked near the coast of Italy, but by the thoughtfulness of a sailor the cage containing the birds was opened and the birds liberated. They flew at once to the nearest point of land, which happened to be the island of Elba. The climate wag so propitious that the canaries multiplied rapidly. In a very short time their superiority as songsters attracted attention and their domestication followed. The shipwreck referred to occurred early in the sixteenth century. The Italians were the first to breed these birds, and they were by them shipped to Russia, Germany, Belgium, and England. They were first described in an English book on natural history in 1610. The rage for breeding the canary with home birds became curiously popular and resulted in a curious intermixture of colors. In Italy they were bred with the citril and serin; in Germany with the linnet, green finch, and siskin. Mr. C. N. Page says, in his "Feathered Pets," a very valuable book for bird fanciers, that in an English book published in 1709 there are twenty-eight varieties of canaries mentioned, comprising nearly all those known at the present time and some which have become extinct. The climate has also had much to do with the change of color in these birds. The canary, which in its native home at Teneriffe is almost brown, becomes yellow and sometimes nearly white after being bred a few years in France, and it has been observed by naturalists that the winter fur of animals and feathers of birds become thicker and lighter in color in proportion to the coldness of the climate which they inhabit.
In England and Germany canary societies have existed for upwards of a century, and annual shows or exhibitions are held with prizes offered for the best birds.

Of the many varieties of canaries the most popular in the United States is the German. It is smaller than the English canary and is a much finer singer, being bred and trained for song and not for size. They are called Hartz Mountain canaries, and experts consider them the most satisfactory bird for the people. They are bred by the peasants in ordinary living-rooms high up among the Hartz Mountains of Germany. These birds are even more hardy than the American-bred canaries. They are brilliant singers. We had one for five years, and, while its voice was wonderfully clear, full, and musical, it was too loud and was not admired by our neighbors. The shrill and piercing note of some of this species renders them somewhat objectionable as house pets. The birds are happy in the cage, require very little care, and if properly attended to are said to be free from diseases. Most of the Hartz Mountain canaries are somewhat mottled with dark, greenish-brown, though many of the birds are clear yellow, and few have crests. In the canary-breeding section of Germany, almost every family keeps a few cages of these birds, or has a room devoted to their breeding. The German people are very fond of birds and there are many of them in the United States who have many cages of rare specimens.

Milwaukee supplies the United States with the bulk of the Hartz Mountain canaries, and there is no great crime in the deception, for the Milwaukee bird is really an improvement on the imported article, having just as fine a voice and being much hardier.

Experience has shown that the imported singer loses the power of transmitting his voice to the young after passing through an American winter. This is the case also, it is said, with Tyrolean singers who come to this country, their voices losing the peculiar yodling quality when they have been here a year. The native canary is hardier than the imported one, and, with proper training, is every bit as good a singer.

Before they are mated the hen birds are kept in separate cages in the music room, carefully fed and made to listen to the music of the singers and the machine used in training their voices. In this way the hen is enabled to transmit the best musical quality to her offspring. The music-room is a large one, with a south exposure, and is kept with the same scrupulous neatness as the breeding-room. In the corner of this room is the bird organ, and with it the little birds are given their vocal training.

When the machine is started the notes emitted are wonderfully like the song of the untutored canary. These notes are known to bird-trainers by the term pfeiffen. Gradually the whistle strikes onto a different line. It is an improvement over the pfeiffen, and is called the klingel rolle. A higher step still is called the klingel, and a still higher step hohl klingel. Lastly comes what is called hol rollen, and a bird whose voice has been developed up to that point is worth $50 in the market any day.

In this country there are only three importers of canaries. Each of these firms employs "bird-pickers" who travel over the mountains in Germany and gather together a supply of birds which are selected from the stocks of the small breeders.

There are several varieties of English canaries. The Norwich is a general favorite. It takes its name from the city of Norwich, where for generations it has been bred and cultivated. It has a brilliant, deep, reddish-yellow plumage. It is regarded as the most beautiful of all the canaries. Its color is frequently so dark that it is called the red canary.
This color is produced artificially by feeding them during the moulting season a large amount of cayenne pepper mixed with hard boiled egg and cracker crumbs.

Canaries have many pretty ways and can be taught many pretty tricks. One that belonged to the writer had been deprived of its feet. Its wing feathers never grew out, hence it could not fly or perch and was obliged to stump about on the floor like an old veteran on his crutch. But it was healthy and vigorous, and so pugnacious that on our return, after the day's absence, it would fly at us, or try to, poor thing, and peck our outstretched fingers, even while taking offered hemp seed greedily. The bird watched and waited for our coming and we became so much attached to it that its death was a real loss.

The little birds can fill our hearts As full as larger creatures arts.

The nest of the canary is a pretty, neatly formed structure of any soft material it can find. Five bluish eggs are usually laid, and three or four broods are raised between February and September, though the female will sometimes persist in building until much later.


singing canaries

M. D. Zaretsky

Departments of Zoology and Physiology, University of Iowa, USA
Department of Biology, Princeton University, USA
Department of Zoology, University of California, 94720 Berkeley, California, USA
Received: 15 September 1977

Summary Single unit microelectrode recordings followed by electrolytic lesions which mark the recording sites demonstrate that there is an auditory region of the songbird forebrain that is distinct from and superficial to field L, the primary auditory region of the telencephalon. The location of the superficial auditory area and its large cells suggest identification with HVc, the large-celled telencephalic nucleus which controls song in the canary.

Key Words Songbird - Auditory forebrain area - Hearing and song control


HVC (nidopallial area, formerly known as hyperstriatum ventrale pars caudalis), a key centre for song control in oscines, responds in a selective manner to conspecific songs as indicated by electrophysiology. However, immediate–early gene induction cannot be detected in this nucleus following song stimulation. HVC contains neurons projecting either towards the nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA; motor pathway) or area X (anterior forebrain pathway). Both RA- and area X-projecting cells show auditory responses. The present study analysed these responses separately in the two types of HVC projection neurons of canaries by a new in vivo approach using manganese as a calcium analogue which can be transported anterogradely and used as a paramagnetic contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Manganese was stereotaxically injected into HVC and taken up by HVC neurons. The anterograde axonal transport of manganese from HVC to RA and area X was then followed by MRI during ≈ 8 h and changes in signal intensity in these targets were fitted to sigmoid functions. Data comparing birds exposed or not to conspecific songs revealed that song stimulation specifically affected the activity of the two types of HVC projection neurons (increase in the sigmoid slope in RA and in its maximum signal intensity in area X). Dynamic manganese-enhanced MRI thus allows assessment of the functional state of specific neuronal populations in the song system of living canaries in a manner reminiscent of functional MRI (but with higher resolution) or of 2-deoxyglucose autoradiography (but in living subjects).


Central control of song in the canary, Serinus canarius
Fernando Nottebohm 1 2, Tegner M. Stokes 1 2, Christiana M. Leonard 1 2
1The Rockefeller University, New York, New York 100212Department of Anatomy, Mount Sinai School of Medicine of the City University of New York, New York 10029

We have traced central nervous pathways controlling bird son in the canary using a combination of behavioral and anatomical techniques. Unilateral electrolytic brain lesions were made in adult male canaries whose son had been previously recorded and analysed on a sound spectrograph. After severral days of postoperative recording, the birds were sacrificed and their brains processed histologically for degeneration staining with the Fink-Heimer technique. Although large lesions in the neostriatum and rostral hyperstriatum had no effect on song, severe song deficits followed damage to a discrete large-celled area in the caudal hyperstriatum ventrale (HVc). Degenerating fibers were traced from this region to two other discrete nuclei in the forebrain: one in the parolfactory lobe (area X, a teardrop-shaped small-celled nucleus) and a round large-celled nucleus in the archistriatum (RA). Unilateral lesions of X had no effect on song; lesions of RA, however, caused severe song deficits. Degenerating fibers from RA joined the occipitomesencephalic tract and had widespread ipsilateral projections to the thalamus, nucleus intercollicularis of the midbrain, reticular formation, and medulla. It is of particular interest that direct connections were found onto the cells of the motor nucleus innervating the syrinx, the organ of song production. Unilateral lesions of n. intercollicularis (previously implicated in the control of vocal behavior) had little effect on song.
One bilateral lesion of HVc resulted in permanent (9 months) and complete elimination of the audible components of song, although the bird assumed the posture and movements typical of song. Preliminary data suggest that lesions of the left hemisphere result in greater deficits than lesions of the right one. This finding is consistent with earlier reports that the left syrinx controls the majority of song components. Results reported here suggest a localization of vocal control in the canary brain with an overlying left hemispheric dominance.



Auditory Sensitivity and Song Spectrum of the Common Canary (Serinus canarius)
Robert J. Dooling and James A. Mulligan
Department of Biology, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri 63104
James D. Miller
Central Institute for the Deaf, St. Louis, Missouri 63110
(Received 5 March 1971)
The auditory sensitivity of one strain (Belgian Waterschlager) of common canary (Serinus canarius) was measured by behavioral audiometry. Four birds were trained by instrumental avoidance conditioning in a double-grille cage, and their thresholds for pure tones (0.25–9.0 kHz) were measured. Auditory sensitivity is greatest between 2.0 and 4.0 kHz with a possible maximum at 2.8 kHz, declines about 15 dB/oct for frequencies below 2.0 kHz, declines about 25 dB between 4.0 and 8.0 kHz, and 13 dB between 8.0 and 9.0 kHz. The acoustic power in the songs and calls of the Belgian Waterschlager falls primarily in the range 1.8–4.5 kHz as do the critical frequencies of a substantial proportion of the neural units in the cochlear nucleus of the canary. Thus, the auditory sensitivity and the neural machinery of the peripheral auditory system appear to be matched to the long-term-average power spectrum of the songs. In addition, these facts are compared to those for other birds and mammals, and speculations as to some of the selective pressures that influenced the evolution of hearing are presented. Certain relevant problems of the biophysics of hearing are also discussed. ©1971 Acoustical Society of America -http://scitation.aip.org/jasa/

23 de fevereiro de 2007

Writers refers about canary birds

...if you were studying the psychology of a canary bird, and only watch the movements of this pretty round creature as she turns her head on one side with an unconscious smile at the ear-rings nestled in the little box. Ah, you think, it is for the sake of the person who has given them to her, and her thoughts are gone back now to the moment when they were put into her hands. No; else why should she have cared to have ear-rings rather than anything else? And I know that she had longed for ear-rings from among all the ornaments she could imagine.

21 de fevereiro de 2007

One site for nature lovers

http://www.arkiveeducation.org/ - ARKive education is a free resource for teachers and educators

Palavras associadas com aves/with name refer the word Bird

Whisky, or whiskey, refers to a broad category of alcoholic beverages that are distilled from fermented grain mash and aged in oak casks. Different grains are used for different varieties, including barley, malted barley, rye, malted rye, wheat, and maize (or corn).

A blended Scotch whisky

The first written record of whisky comes from 1405 in Ireland it is also mentioned in Scotland in 1496. However it is thought that whisky had already been around for at least several hundred years prior. When or where whisky was first distilled is unknown and the localised, undocumented nature of beverage production during the period makes identification of the drinks origin difficult. Additionally, it is possible that different groups discovered processes of distillation completely independent of one another.

Some scholars believe distilled spirits first starting being produced between the 8th century AD and 9th century AD in the Middle East with the art of distillation being brought to the British Isles by Christian monks. A popular legend (which has yet to be confirmed or dis-proven) is that St. Patrick himself introduced distillation to the British Isles, however it is likely he lived around the 5th century AD. It is also possible that the distillation process was discovered in the British Isles either independently or in precursor to Arabian distillation by farmers as a way of making use of excess grain after harvest

Noticia dos Canários Carmelitas

Hoje dia 21 de Fevereiro na gaiola 10 nasceu um passarinho (canário), fiquei contente, é bonito observar o comportamento da mãe , com toda a delicadeza tomando conta dos ovos e do seu filho. Uma das caracteristicas dos canários(as) muitas das vezes é comerem o resto da casca dos seus filhos. mas no entanto esta deixou metade no fundo da gaiola.
O comportamento do macho achei estranho , isto porque estava perto do separado a depenicar o separador.
Achei este comportamento estranho e reparei que havia falta de cálcio na grade , o cálcio esta distribuido em vários alimentos, mas fundamentalmento no choco (espinha do polvo).
Gostei de ver o punk( canáriozinho).Coloquei a espinha do polvo e de imediato o Macho Vega começou a depenica-lo.

Pedro Boavida
Fátima Proença

20 de fevereiro de 2007

Uma revista, uma foto pedagógica -ITALIA

Articulo Fdo. Paco Ibi, Julio 2005.

Hubo un tiempo no muy lejano, en la que la gente de Europa tenía muy pocos momentos de placer, uno de ellos, era el disfrutar del canto de los canarios, que por aquella época solo estaba al alcance de Casas Reales, gente de alta alcurnia, condes, marqueses, etc., Poco a poco se pudo extender al resto de la población. Que por cierto, empezó cotizándose al alza hasta que pudo comprobarse su facilidad de reproducción.

Todo empieza (que sepamos), sobre el sigo XV, cuando las Islas Canarias fueron conquistadas por los españoles. En aquella época el nombre de las Islas era debido a las colonias de perros salvajes que habitaban en ellas, de perro = can = canarias.

Al poco tiempo de estar en las islas, apreciaron un gracioso pajarillo, que no se asustaba de la presencia y que poseía un magnífico canto a diferencia de los pájaros silvestres que había en la península. Poco a poco los fueron enjaulando y observando que incluso en cautividad el canto seguía con mucha asiduidad y belleza. Esto en aquella época, era una auténtica revolución. Pronto se dieron cuenta de lo que sería un buen negocio, y empezaron a enjaular grandes cantidades de canarios y llevarlos a la península. Como primeros y únicos clientes fueron los aristócratas de la época, cuando se dieron cuenta que se podrían reproducir con facilidad se monto el monopolio de los canarios y solo exportaban los machos, y poco a poco se poblaron las casas reales de Europa de estos pájaros.

A mediados del siglo XVI, se rompió el monopolio, por mala suerte, un barco Español, cargado de canarios machos y hembras, que navegaba desde las Islas a Livorno, naufragó frente a las Isla de Elba, a los pájaros se les pudieron soltar y éstos se reprodujeron con suma facilidad, y los Italianos hicieron el negocio del siglo, encima pudieron contemplar como también se reproducían fácilmente con los fringílidos locales y aquí acabo el monopolio español.

Rápidamente se expandió por toda Europa, siendo los alemanes entre los silos XVII y XIX los máximos comerciantes de dichas aves, llegando a Rusia, Países Nórdicos, Turquía, Egipto y muchos países más.

Una vez establecidos numerosos criaderos por toda Europa, surgen los primeros canarios con deformaciones en el color del plumaje, lo que en principio era verdoso, empieza a modificarse hasta llegar al amarillo, son mutaciones naturales y por supuesto muy provocadas por los criadores.

Poco a poco, aparecen mutaciones en las formas, aparecen moñas, se alarga la talla, se acorta, se doblan, se ponen mas erguidos, aparecen rizos, etc., ante tal novedad aparecen los primeros estándares para poder clasificar a las diferentes razas (próximamente hablaremos de ellas).

Científicamente el canario común adquiere el nombre de serinus canarius, en su origen media y mide (aun existen canarios en libertad en las Islas Canarias), aproximadamente unos 13 cm., y para que os podáis hacer una idea muy simple, es de un gran parecido a nuestro verdecillo.

não click,dont click

Uma noticia de minas gerais

Passarinheiros – Direitos x Deveres

Tudo na vida é antagônico, tem os prós e os contras; tem o certo e o errado, o bom e o mau, vantagens e desvantagens. Há até quem afirme que para cada direito há um dever correspondente. No caso dos criadores de pássaros não é diferente. Assim, enumeramos aqui os principais deveres e direitos de um criador de pássaros consciente, preocupado em proteger a natureza. A Feomg entende que o primeiro e mais importante dever é gostar de pássaros, porque ninguém consegue sucesso como criador se não possuir este sentimento.
A entidade diz, ainda, que é dever de um criador identificar o que quer, que pássaros vai criar e conseguir condições de manter a criação, de um ou vinte, tanto faz. “Quem considera que o tratar de um passarinho pode virar um martírio, essa pessoa não é um passarinheiro, dificilmente chegará a ser um criador”, destaca o departamento técnico da FEOMG... O terceiro dever é o de procurar um clube para que tenha uma proteção, tanto administrativa quanto técnica, para que possa desenvolver realmente aquela criação que se dispôs a fazer e, logicamente, tudo devidamente registrado e autorizado.
Assim procedendo, a pessoa terá o direito mais inalienável da condição de criador, que é o da satisfação de ouvir os bichinhos cantarem. Todavia, o diretor técnico da Feomg, Antonio Pádua de Miranda, enumera outros: fazer a reprodução dos filhotes e comercializá-los, buscar, com a participação em campeonatos, em qualquer parte do país, o reconhecimento dos pássaros de seu plantel, de forma que seja valorizado e permita que a prole tenha um valor comercial mais alto possível.

A culpa é das Editoras Portuguesas ...excepto a Bertrand

Livraria Agricola Jerez compre online , porque estou farto de procurar livros sobre canários e outros pássaros e são sempre os mesmos, brevemente direi se esta Livraria online funciona.

19 de fevereiro de 2007

Spanish timbrado breeders/ criadores de timbrado espanhol

Juan Fernando González Plano O-316 Timbrado Español Santa Eulalia Badajoz


924371453- 617840001

Javi Morcillo Monge Y-703 y Timbrado Dama de Elche Alicante javi@hotmail.com

Andrés Martín Arce Z-023 Timbrado Español Santa Eulalia Badajoz andresymarina@msn.com

Jesús J. Rodríguez Martín BC-08 Timbrado Español. Amarillos intensos y nevados. Rojo intenso. Unión Ornitol. "El Tajo" Toledo loscanarios11@hotmail.

Fernando Andrade Avalos Y-303 Timbrado Español Unión Canar. Morisca Sevilla turco6@hotmail.com

Canto Español Timbrado C.U.T.I.C.A. Sevilla parajovi@hotmail.com
Jose Luis Paredes AN-60

Canto Español Timbrado C.U.T.I.C.A. Sevilla parajovi@hotmail.com

Juan Antonio Hernández Brito W-392 Color Coria- Guadalquivir Sevilla pollo5color@hotmail.com

Jose Antonio Aparicio Sánchez O-265
Timbrado Español
Soc. Canar. Salamanca
Salamanca japarics@hotmail.com

García Santos R-250 Canto Español Timbrado C.U.T.I.C.A
Sevilla parajovi@hotmail.com

Vidal Muñoz Reina Q-439
Canto Español Timbrado C.U.T.I.C.A. Sevilla
Vidal Muñoz Iglesias Francisco Q-438

José Manuel García Pellicer
G-166 Timbrado Español Asoc. de Canaricultores del Sureste
Murcia ppellicer@hotmail.com

Antonio León Gutiérrez F-022 Timbrado Español A.C.O.T.E. Huelva antolegu@hotmali.com
Jose Manuel González Alés BB-049 Timbrado Español Acote La Palmera Huelva mgales48@hotmail.com

Jose Rafael Gutiérrez Cubero G-276 Timbrado Español Agr. Ornit. Aracelitana Córdoba parajovi@hotmail.com
957 51 30 54

Club Timbrado Jerezano
Cádiz pilar160143@teleleine.es

Entique Juanes BC-31 Timbrado español, Rojo mosaico, Isabela rojo mosaico
C.O.D.C. Ciudad de Burgos Burgos enri_juanes@hotmail.com

Canários de Canto -sites

http://www.timbrado.com/ -lo mejor, the best , o melhor site sobre timbrados.
http://jesus39008.fortunecity.es/ - España
http://www.timbrado.nl/- Holanda -Netherlands
http://members.cox.net/timbrados/ -USA
http://spanishtimbrado.us/Home_Page.php - USA
http://www.loscanarios.com/variedades/canto.htm -Canários de canto -Timbrado Español
http://www.timbradosbernabe.es/cria2006.htm - España
http://perso.wanadoo.es/canariotimbrado/ - España
http://www.geocities.com/eltimbradoatc/ -Colombia
http://www.kanarini.net/indexeng.htm - Grécia
http://www.kanarini.net/timbrantoseng.htm Grécia Congratulations!
http://www.birds.gr/spanish/timbrado.html -Grécia
http://www.birds.gr/eng.html - Grécia
http://spanishtimbrado.blogspot.com/ - USA
http://animal-world.com/encyclo/birds/canaries/SpanishTimbradoCanary.phphttp://members.cox.net/timbrados/ USA
http://www.timbrado.nl/cursus/teach01.html -NATIONAL DUTCH TIMBRADO CLUB NBvV
http://www.churchplantersnetwork.com/spanish_timbrado_history_lesson.htmhttp://www.timbrado.nl/links.html-The Spanish Timbrado Society Nederland &Federacion Ornitologica Cultural Deportivo Española -congratulations!
http://elevage-amateur.site.voila.fr/page1.html -França
http://perso.orange.fr/timbradofrance/ - França
http://passaros.do.sapo.pt/nova_pagina_2.htm - Portugal
http://www.timbradosbernabe.es/index.htm -Espanha
http://members.cox.net/canariesandmore/ -USA
http://www.canaryadvisor.com/spanish-timbrado-canary.html- USA
http://www.ambersnowcattery.com/spanish_timbrado.html USA
http://spanishtimbrado.blogspot.com/ -USA
http://www.aopv.org/cgi-bin/aopv2.dll/html?html=timbradoestandar&menu=timbrado -Espanha
http://users.skynet.be/woutvgils/Artikels%202/trmibrado%20kamp.html -Bélgica
http://www.timbrado.be/ -Bélgica


A perdiz é uma das espécies cinegéticas preferidas dos caçadores portugueses . Para além da Península Ibérica, apenas se encontra presente em França, Norte de Itália e parte da Grã-Bretanha, onde foi introduzida. Costuma andar em pequenos bandos, com um máximo de 15 indivíduos. Voa rente ao solo, depois de uma pequena corrida para tomar balanço. É uma excelente andarilha e tem um tamanho tamanho entre 35 e 40 cm. Apresenta os flancos caracteristicamente estriados de castanho e branco, com uma linha preta contornando o branco das faces e descendo até ao peito, onde forma um colar negro e de onde partem estrias da mesma cor que salpicam o cinzento do peito. As costas e a parte superior da cabeça são num quente tom de castanho, o bico e as patas vermelhas. O macho é maior e mais pesado do que a fêmea, apresentando uma cabeça mais volumosa. É uma ave que prefere especialmente as zonas de culturas cerealíferas, mas também se pode encontrar na periferia das áreas incultas ou matos, por vezes também em vinhas. A sua alimentação é essencialmente insectívora no primeiro ano de vida, e evolui depois radicalmente por forma a englobar produtos de origem quase só vegetal. O acasalamento destas aves ocorre geralmente entre Fevereiro e Março, podendo haver alterações conforme as condições atmosféricas; fazem o ninho geralmente no chão, junto a tufos de ervas, debaixo de ramos secos, junto a linhas de água. A postura é feita entre Abril e Maio, com um número de ovos (amarelados com manchas avermelhadas) entre 8 e 23 (em média 12); a incubação dura cerca de 23 dias, e por vezes em dois ninhos, um incubado pelo macho e outro pela fêmea.

Ciconia ciconia (Cegonhas)

Madrid España es el país de la UE con mayor número de cigüeñas, alrededor de 25.000 parejas, de las que un 70% ya había regresado a sus nidos a finales de diciembre, cuando habitualmente pueden verse por San Blas ( 3 de febrero), informaron ornitólogos expertos en estas aves. Según Ángel Gómez Manzaneque, de la Sociedad Española de Ornitología

"Por San Blas. la cigüeña veras.
Si no la vieres, año de nieves"

18 de fevereiro de 2007


A História do Homem e das aves.
" A carne do melro é excelente e, posto que ainda hoje seja apreciada,principalmente a dos que se encontram nos sitios onde a oliveira abunda ,cujo fruto comem e lhes torna a carne suculenta ,está longe de ter o merecimento que lhe davam os antigos romanos , que conservavam em grandes gaiolas destina-las para este fim e onde ,por meio de um regime conveniente, as engordavam , dando à carne sabor delicado."
in bibiblioteca de Livros úteis e ciêntificos,nº16,Lisboa,Manual Prático do Passarinheiro.
Preço 20$00.
Agradecia se alguém souber o autor deste livro que deixa-se uma mensagem neste post.Obrigado.

15 de fevereiro de 2007

Criação de Timbrados Espanhois/Breeding Spanish timbrados

CRÍA Y CUIDADOS - Tempo da criação timbrados


http://www.timbrado.com/canario.shtml - Os pequenos timbrados

http://www.timbrado.com/progenitores.shtml -Selecção de progenitores

E. Parra C. N. X- 863

Visite Barcelos visit, Barcelos welcome color canaries,canários de color

Associação Ornitológica de Barcelos tem o prazer de convidar todas as pessoas interessadas para um colóquio sobre :

Com a presença, de entre outros convidados, de Joaquim Cunha e Carlos Lima (Juízes OMJ).

A realizar no dia 17 de Fevereiro de 2007, pelas 15 horas, na Sala de Actividades da Junta de Freguesia de Barcelos (Rua da Barreta, nº 6, Barcelos)

14 de fevereiro de 2007


Pala saída que tem
Da vadiagem alguém
Chamou-lhe o Zé Passarinho
Fala em verso e as mulheres
Ao fim de duas colheres
Leva-as no bico p'ró ninho
Sabe os fados do Alfredo
Rima que até mete medo
Nesta função é doutor
Tem os tiques de fadista
Mão no bolso, lenço e risca"Baixem a luz por favor!"
Uma triste noite ao frio
Cantava-se ao desafio
Para aquecer as paixões
Quando um estranho se levanta
Para mostrar como se canta
Faz-se à Rosa dos Limões
O povo ficou sentido
Com aquele destemido... morrer engasgado!
Palavra puxa palavra
Desata tudo à estalada
Com o posto ali ao lado
Nem foi preciso a carrinha
Tudo na sua perninha
Numa linda procissão
Das perguntas com carinho
Ficou preso o Passarinho
Só para investigação
Nasce o dia atrás da Sé
E ninguém arreda pé
Nem por dó, nem por esmola
O povo ficou sentado
Para ouvir cantar o fado
Passarinho na gaiola


Mainata de Java- sites

Legislação -

Pardal de Java

Outra das nossas descobertas é que os Pardais de Javas gostam de urtigas.

13 de fevereiro de 2007

aspectos socias sobre as aves e homens ...


Uma descoberta

As codornizes da China "as tias" gostam de urtigas.
descobri estes blogs interessantes: http://codornices.blogspot.com/

Canário Timbrado Espanhol -sites

http://www.timbrado.com/ -lo mejor, the best , o melhor site sobre timbrados.

http://www.timbrado.nl/- Holanda -Netherlands

http://www.loscanarios.com/variedades/canto.htm -Canários de canto -Timbrado Español

http://www.churchplantersnetwork.com/spanish_timbrado_history_lesson.htmhttp://www.timbrado.nl/links.html-The Spanish Timbrado Society Nederland &Federacion Ornitologica Cultural Deportivo Española -congratulations!

Jan Kubelik plays "Zephyr" by Hubay